Who Are We ?
FRC Team 299 - Valkyrie

Valkyrie - FRC Team 299
Team Valkyrie has recently joined the FIRST family. Be sure to check out our code on GitHub.

About Us
Team Valkyrie is a new team that has recently joined the FIRST organization. FIRST is an organization which helps spread STEM and robotics within the community. Our team has a total of 37 members and is exponentially growing. Every year the team participates in the FIRST ROBOTICS CHALLENGE in which the team has to build a robot based on a challenge revealed by FIRST. More information about FIRST and the competition can be viewed by clicking here or by going to the FIRST page.
Valkyrie not only teaches high school students complex subjects like engineering and advanced physics but also strives to spread STEM in our community.
Valkyrie Robotics has partnered with Star Kids. Make sure to check them out!
Star Kids Academy offers state of the art robotics classes for Elementary through Middle School students in the South Bay Area. They offer education in multiple Robotics hardware and software platforms to give children a well rounded experience in learning. Their philosophy is that children have a tremendous ability to learn when creativity, challenge, teamwork, and play are incorporated into the process. Our curriculum supports NGSS standards through STEM learning and is taught by instructors following ISTE teaching standards.
Our Projects
Valkyrie is made a up of a team of avid programmers and innovative builders. Even when we're not building robots we implement new ideas and projects. Be sure to check them out below!

Team Valkyrie Blog
Valkyrie is a dynamic team, and we have implemented a blog to keep our members, supporters and followers up-to-date with our ideas, ventures and events. The blog has a lot of information including how situations withing the team are dealt, as well as Valkyire's current projects and trainings. Overall, it is is culmination of the team's current state. Be sure to give it a look!

Vision Tracking
Building off of what we wrote during our previous build season, we are attempting to make a 'proof-of-concept' type setup for a vision-tracking buildaratus to simulate the systems we'll be dealing with in future years of FRC. The codebase itself is more or less complete; the greatest challenge ahead of us is creating a platform to test with and tuning the final result.